Renowned filmmaker Vikram Bhatt, whose filmography includes several blockbusters such as Ghulam (1998), Raaz (2002), and 1920 (2008) to name just a few, is presently working on his next directorial offering, an eight-episode streaming show.
The show, which went on floors in the month of October, was earlier titled Dirty Games. But it has just gone for a title change. The show has now been rechristened as Bisaat: Khel Shatranj Ka. Sandeepa Dhar and Omkar Kapoor front the lead cast.
Talking about the title change, Bhatt says, “There was nothing dirty about Dirty Games to begin with. Dirty Games was about the games people play. But there was a perception that dirty means sexually dirty or something worse and that’s not what the show is. Secondly, in the age of OTT going right, it perhaps was a wrong signal. So now, the title is Bisaat: Khel Shatranj Ka.”
Adding to it, he says, “Basically, Bisaat means a chessboard. Since the show is about twists and turns and people’s mind ticking like a game of chess, it was just apt.”
The story of the forthcoming show revolves around a psychiatrist who gets caught in the middle of a murder. Apart from calling the shots, Bhatt has also written the show. Krishna Bhatt is bankrolling it under the banner of Loneranger.
In addition to Omkar Kapoor and Sandeepa Dhar, Bisaat: Khel Shatranj Ka also features Khaled Siddiqui, Samay Thakkar, Vyas Hemang, Trishaan Singh Maini, Tanvi Thakkar, Coral Bhamra, Ashwin Kaushal, and Prakash Jha on its ensemble cast.
The nail-biting thriller is set to stream on MX Player soon.
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Tags: Vikram Bhatt, Sandeepa Dhar, Omkar Kapoor, Dirty Games, Bisaat: Khel Shatranj Ka