FICCI Ladies Organization Ahmedabad led by Chairperson Babita Jain had the opportunity of hosting the renowned astrologer, palmist , numerologist and Vastu consultant Jai Madaan for a very interesting and informative session for its members and guests . Ms Madaan captivated the attention of the viewers with the topic so close to their hearts ‘how to attract fortune and abundance ‘. She spoke about the eight forms of Laxmi, their compliance with Vastu and their significance and manifestations. It is all about strengthening these forms inside oneself to attract abundance and fortune. Ms Madaan then moved on to giving the members lessons on palmistry, how to read the basics of the palm and to help oneself. She spoke about the various planets and their effects on an individual’s personality and the ability to be successful. She also provided quick and easy solutions to overcome shortcomings and attract fortune and abundance.