President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and senior ministers Tuesday (25 June) condoled the demise of spiritual leader His Holiness Pujya Swami Satyamitranand Giriji Maharaj, recalling his contribution in serving the tribals and the poor.
The founder of the Bharat Mata temple in Haridwar, Pujya Swamiji, died this morning after a prolonged illness in Haridwar.
“Sad to hear of the demise of Swami Satyamitranand Giri Ji Maharaj. A recipient of Padma Bhushan, he contributed immensely to our society and dedicated his entire life for the welfare of underprivileged people. My condolences to his countless followers,” President Kovind tweeted.
Sad to hear of the demise of Swami Satyamitranand Giri Ji Maharaj. A recipient of Padma Bhushan, he contributed immensely to our society and dedicated his entire life for the welfare of underprivileged people. My condolences to his countless followers #PresidentKovind
— President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) June 25, 2019
“Deeply saddened to know about the demise of Swami Satyamitranand Giri Ji Maharaj who founded Bharat Mata temple in Haridwar,” Naidu tweeted.
He said the spiritual leader “rendered invaluable services and established Samanvaya Seva Foundation to serve poor people from tribal and hilly areas by providing free education and medical facilities”.
Deeply saddened to know about the demise of Swami Satyamitranand Giri Ji Maharaj who founded Bharat Mata temple in Haridwar.
— VicePresidentOfIndia (@VPSecretariat) June 25, 2019
“He established many learning centres & travelled across the globe to spread the message of Sanatana Dharma,” the vice president said.
Modi said Swami Satyamitranand epitomised spirituality and wisdom. “He devoted his life towards empowering the poor, marginalised and downtrodden. He was extremely proud of India’s rich history and culture. My tributes to this divine soul. Om Shanti,” the prime minister tweeted.
Swami Satyamitranand Giri Ji epitomised spirituality and wisdom. He devoted his life towards empowering the poor, marginalised and downtrodden. He was extremely proud of India’s rich history and culture. My tributes to this divine soul. Om Shanti.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 25, 2019
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Home Minister and chief of ruling Bharatiya Janata Party Amit Shah offered their condolences.
Swami Satyamitranand Giri Ji Maharaj showed us the path of peace and enlightenment through service, spirituality and love for Bharat Mata.
He devoted his life to serve the poor, tribals and other marginalised sections of our society.
Deeply anguished by his demise. Om Shanti!
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) June 25, 2019
पद्मभूषण पूज्य गुरुदेव स्वामी सत्यमित्रानंद गिरि जी महाराज के निधन से अत्यंत दुखी हूँ।
वह ज्ञान, धर्म, आध्यतम और सादगी के एक ऐसे प्रतीक थे जिन्होंने पूरे विश्व में सनातन संस्कृति की पताका फहराई। उन्होंने नर सेवा को नारायण सेवा मान अपना पूरा जीवन जनकल्याण को समर्पित कर दिया।— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) June 25, 2019
(Deeply saddened by the passing away of Padma Bhushan Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyamitranand Giriji Maharaj. He was a symbol of knowledge, religion, spirituality and simplicity that unfurled the flag of eternal culture all over the world. He devoted his whole life to the welfare of the people in god’s service.)
Congress MP Vivek Tankha also joined the mourners.
Saddened to hear about the demise of Swami Satyamitranand Giri ji Maharaj .He was known for his spirituality and service to society. Swami ji left the prestigious shankaracharacharya position to serve the downtrodden. Om Shanti
— Vivek Tankha (@VTankha) June 25, 2019