Swara Bhasker, Shikha Talsania, Meher Vij, and Pooja Chopra have finished shooting for their upcoming film Jahaan Chaar Yaar. The film was being shot in Goa, where it went on floors earlier this year. The team wrapped up production on Sunday night.
Filming had paused in the wake of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in India and the team resumed the shoot in the month of August. The film was set to be shot in Uttar Pradesh before the makers decided to move the shooting location to Goa.
“During the one-month schedule, beginning from the first week of March, we will be shooting in Prayagraj, Lucknow, Malihabad and Jaunpur,” producer Vinod Bachchan had earlier told an Indian daily.
Vij, who plays an important role in the film, took to Instagram and posted a picture from the film’s wrap party. “What really counts are good endings as we wrap up Jahaan Chaar Yaar with laughter. Congratulations to the entire team… Thank you to each and every one who made this journey possible,” the Secret Superstar (2017) actor wrote.
According to the makers, the film follows the journey of four married friends who set off to Goa seeking solace from their ordinary lives and find themselves in “an extraordinary adventure.”
Produced by Vinod Bachchan under the banner of Soundarya Film Production, Jahaan Chaar Yaar is directed by Kamal Pandey. There is no update on the release date of the film. The makers may announce the same soon.
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Tags: Swara Bhasker, Shikha Talsania, Meher Vij, Pooja Chopra, Jahaan Chaar Yaar