UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi Thursday embarked on a roadshow here before filing nomination papers for Rae Bareli Lok Sabha constituency.She also offered puja at the Congress’ central office here before starting the roadshow. Sonia Gandhi, who trying to get re-elected from the seat the fifth time in a row, was accompanied by son and Congress president Rahul Gandhi, daughter Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and son-in-law Robert Vadra. The seat, where voting will be held in the fifth-phase on May 6, will see a straight contest between the former Congress chief and Dinesh Pratap Singh, who recently joined the BJP after leaving the Congress.The Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party have not fielded any candidate in this Congress bastion. Sonia Gandhi had won the seat in 2004, 2006 (bypolls), 2009 and 2014.