Actor Shahid Kapoor recently opened up about his middle-class upbringing and his journey in Bollywood. Despite being the son of veteran actors Pankaj Kapur and Neelima Azeem, Shahid revealed that he still feels like an “outsider” in the industry.
Raised by his mother after his parents separated, Shahid shared insights into the challenges his family faced, including financial struggles and societal pressures.
Speaking to journalist Faye D’Souza, Shahid reflected on his relationship with his father and why he never sought his help for a film career. “I didn’t have a relationship with my father where I would allow myself to ask him… I had a great relationship with him, but I didn’t want to ask… That’s not how I wanted to do it,” he said.
Shahid credited his father for providing advice and guidance but emphasized his desire to succeed independently. “I was very proud. This was the only route for me,” he added.
Shahid also delved into his childhood experiences, discussing the responsibilities his mother shouldered while raising him and his younger brother, Ishaan.
“She was struggling to balance all those things, and we were living in rented houses,” he shared, noting that his mother’s professional hiatus further complicated their situation.
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Describing himself as a “unique specimen,” Shahid spoke about his outsider status in Bollywood. “The first thing you want as an outsider is acceptance… I didn’t have exposure to fashion, makeup artists, producers, directors, or journalists. I knew nothing about nothing. I just came in, and my first film did really well,” he said.
Reflecting on personal growth, Shahid emphasized the importance of addressing childhood issues as an adult. “Whatever little I’ve understood of psychology or human behavior… the adult version of you is able to logically resolve your issues, but it’s the child who didn’t have the analytical capability to fix yourself,” he explained.