Bollywood actress Sanya Malhotra is set to star in an upcoming Hindi film, set at streaming media giant Netflix. Titled Kathal, the film is a female-centric dramedy featuring Malhotra in the role of a cop. Actor Anant Joshi has been roped in to star alongside her.
Kathal will mark the directorial debut of Yashowardhan Mishra, who has also written the script of the film along with Ashok Mishra. Filming began earlier this week, as per reports.
Taking to Instagram account, Malhotra shared updates about the upcoming project as she dropped a one-minute clip in which she is seen giving a glimpse of her character as a police officer. The female-centric film revolves around a local politician whose prized jackfruits (kathals) go missing and a young police officer named Mahima (Sanya) is behind the case in order to prove herself.
Guneet Monga, Ekta Kapoor, Achin Jain, and Shobha Kapoor are jointly bankrolling the film. Besides, Nachiket Pantvaidya and Ruchikaa Kapoor Sheikh are serving as co-producers of the film.
Talking about the film, Monga said, “The writers and imagineers behind Kathal roped us into its magical world from day one and we can’t wait for it to come to life for everyone to enjoy! Kathal, like the fruit itself, will leave you with a sweet feeling that we’ll cherish in the coming times and we are so excited for everyone to see Sanya in a completely new avatar in this unconventional story.”
Adding to this, Ruchikaa, Executive Vice President at Balaji Telefilms said that the film is a “quirky tale set in heartland India and toplined by the talented Sanya Malhotra. Debutant director-writer Yashowardhan’s take on this ‘bizarre’ true story is full of humour and introspection.”
Sanya Malhotra was last seen in Meenakshi Sundareshwar (2021), which premiered on Netflix. In addition to Kathal, she has several other exciting projects in the pipeline, including Sam Bahadur, Hit: The First Case, and the official remake of the successful Malayalam-language film The Great Indian Kitchen (2021).