Pakistani actors Sajal Aly and Humayun Saeed are set to headline a new drama titled Main Manto Nahin Hoon. The drama has been written by the acclaimed writer Khalil Rehman Qamar with Nadeem Baig attached as director.
Earlier, speculations were rife in the industry that actresses Mehwish Hayat and Maya Ali were set to join the cast of the forthcoming project, but at this time, there was no official word from the makers.
Qamar announced the cast of his upcoming drama during a recent visit to the Mazaaq Raat. When asked about his current writing projects, he revealed that he is indeed working on Main Manto Nahin Hoon, with Humayun Saeed playing the male lead role.
And when asked about the female lead, the controversial writer mischievously disclosed that the production team had requested him to keep Sajal Aly’s involvement a secret.
Hence, it is confirmed now that Humayun Saeed and Sajal Aly will front the cast of the much-awaited drama Main Manto Nahin Hoon.
The project has been on the back burner for quite some time now, but with such powerful names on the cast, Main Manto Nahin Hoon is expected to become a huge success.
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