Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child, a baby boy, on 21st February 2021. Till now, the couple had not announced the name of the child, but on Friday, there were reports that they have named the child Jeh.
Recently, while talking to Etimes, Kareena’s father and veteran actor, Randhir Kapoor, confirmed that the child’s name is Jeh. He said, “Yes, Kareena and Saif’s younger son has been named Jeh.”
When he was asked that when was the name finalised, the actor said, “We finalised it about a week ago.”
When Taimur was born, Kareena and Saif had happily posed for paparazzi with him. But, Jeh has been kept away from paparazzi. However, Kareena on Instagram have shared a few glimpses of Jeh.
Meanwhile, Kareena recently announced her book, Pregnancy Bible. She posted about it on Instagram, “his has been quite the journey… both my pregnancies and writing my Pregnancy Bible. There were good days and bad days; some days I was raring to go to work and others where I struggled to get out of bed. This book is a very personal account of what I experienced both physically and emotionally through both my pregnancies.
In many ways, this book is like my third child… from conception to its birth today. Published by @juggernaut.in and the amazing @chikisarkar, I’m proud to share that my Pregnancy Bible is vetted and approved by FOGSI, India’s official body of gynecologists and obstetricians, along with the help of several expert voices like @rujuta.diwekar, Dr. Sonali Gupta, and Dr. Prabha Chandra of NIMHANS. I’m both excited and nervous to share this with you,” she further wrote.