The highly anticipated trailer of Game Changer, Shankar’s maiden Telugu film starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, dropped on Thursday evening, creating a buzz among fans and cinephiles. Launched by SS Rajamouli, the film is set to release in theatres on January 10, perfectly timed for the Sankranthi festival. With Ram Charan portraying dual roles as father and son, the trailer promises a gripping father-son saga centered on righteousness and morality.
While fans eagerly awaited Shankar’s directorial debut in Telugu cinema, the trailer left the internet divided. Some viewers expressed admiration for Ram Charan’s versatility in portraying two distinct characters, while others noted the film’s thematic resemblance to Shankar’s earlier masterpieces like Mudhalvan and Sivaji. A fan on X (formerly Twitter) applauded Ram Charan’s performance, writing:
“Me after watching Game Changer trailer. Inni variations chupettav entayya (How did you show so many variations).”
Reactions to the trailer ranged from cautious optimism to skepticism. Some fans praised the trailer’s presentation and visual appeal, calling it enough to draw audiences to theatres despite its familiar beats. One viewer commented:
“Good trailer cut of Game Changer. Though the beats of the film we have seen a million times before, as of now, it’s enough to bring the audience to the theatres.”
Game Changer brings together some of the biggest names in the Indian film industry. Ram Charan’s dual roles add depth and intrigue, while Kiara Advani’s presence is bound to enhance the film’s appeal. With Shankar at the helm, known for crafting socially relevant and visually grand narratives, expectations for the movie remain high.
Many fans noted that the trailer evoked memories of Shankar’s previous films like Mudhalvan and Sivaji. These comparisons have sparked discussions about whether Game Changer will offer something fresh or rely on the director’s tried-and-tested formula.
As the release date approaches, the anticipation for Game Changer continues to build. While the trailer has left audiences with mixed emotions, the combination of Shankar’s vision and Ram Charan’s charisma is expected to make this film a must-watch for the festive season.