On Monday, superstar Rajinikanth announced that he has decided to disband the Rajini Makkal Mandram, launched for his political entry. According to PTI, in a statement, the actor said, “I have no intention of involving myself in politics in future.”
Due to circumstances, “what we thought did not materialise,” he said apparently referring to his previously proposed political entry which he subsequently dropped.
He said that RMM (Rajini Makkal Mandram) has been disbanded but the functionaries would work liked before under the Rajinikanth Fans Forum (Rajinikanth Rasigar Narpani Mandram) which is aimed at carrying out activities for people’s welfare. The fans forum, an apolitical welfare body, was converted into RMM(Rajini Makkal Mandram) and this new outift was launched in 2018.
Before meeting the functionaries, Rajinikanth spoke to the reporters, and said, “Should the Makkal Mandram be continued and if so, what will be its functions and these are questions among the functionaries and fans. There are also questions as to whether or not I am going to come to politics in future.”
Last year in December, Rajinikanth had announced that he will be entering the politics and will launch his own party. However, later, he announced that he won’t be joining politics.
Talking about his movies, the actor will next be seen in Annaatthe which is slated to release on Diwali this year.