Priyanka Chopra recently announced the launch of her own homeware line in the US, Sona Home. The Quantico star posted a video featuring some of the products, and she got a shout-out from Mindy Kaling for her new venture.
Priyanka announced her homeware line named Sona Home, last week. She also noted that she has tried to bring a piece of her Indian heritage to homes in the US with her brand.
On Monday, Priyanka Chopra Jonas shared another video to offer a glimpse of some of the pieces in her collection as she spoke with the company’s co-founder Maneesh Goyal. The two discussed the thought they have put into every single piece. Priyanka said, “What’s so beautiful about I think Sona Home is that every single thing comes from a thought. There’s a reason for the design being the way it is. There’s a reason why we have chosen certain shapes, why there’s a certain embroidery.”
Taking to the captions, she penned a note in which she spoke about the inspiration behind the pieces. She wrote, “In addition to being inspired by India, there are many personal tie-ins to this collection, like the lampshades are made using vintage Saris inspired by a beautiful story about Maneesh’s mom (It tears me up every time I hear it).”
Mindy took to the comments section on Priyanka’s Instagram post and praised Priyanka’s home decor collection. The Late Night actress also hinted that she will be buying her products soon. Priyanka thanked Mindy for her approval, while fans wanted updates about their collaboration.
Priyanka’s friend and actor-producer Mindy Kaling was among the first ones to react to the post. She commented, “Omg need! They’re gorgeous.”
Priyanka also reacted to Mindy’s comment, writing ‘Thank you!!,’ adding a red heart emoji. Fans of the duo also reacted to Mindy’s comment, and wanted her and Priyanka to soon release their movie together.
While one fan wrote, “We need the wedding comedy asap,” while another commented, “Pls we need a wedding comedy movie with PC.”
Mindy and Priyanka are set to play cousins in a romantic comedy movie revolving around a big fat Indian wedding. Mindy will play an Indian-American, while Priyanka will play her first cousin, who was born and raised in India. Mindy is also co-writing the upcoming venture.