Ayesha Rashan, a 19-year-old teenager from Karachi, underwent a groundbreaking heart transplant at a hospital in Chennai, India. Ayesha’s journey began in 2019 when she suffered a heart attack, leading to heart failure. Despite receiving treatment, her health continued to deteriorate, necessitating a heart transplant.
After five years of waiting, Ayesha finally received a new heart on January 31, thanks to the efforts of doctors at MGM Healthcare in Chennai. The decision to proceed with the transplant was made despite the donor’s advanced age, emphasizing the critical nature of Ayesha’s condition.
“I can finally breathe easy,” Ayesha expressed, her eyes reflecting newfound hope.
The transplant marked a turning point in Ayesha’s battle against her failing heart. Her mother, Sanober Rashan, recalled the difficult journey, stating, “It was heart-wrenching to witness my daughter’s suffering.”