Actor Alec Baldwin, who recently welcomed his seventh child with wife Hilaria Baldwin, expressed gratitude to his family for keeping him alive over the last year after the fallout of the accidental shooting on the set of “Rust” in October 2021.
Alec alluded to the tragedy in an Instagram post Monday, Page Six reported. “My heart has been broken a thousand times this past year. And things in my life May never be the same,” Alec wrote in the caption.
“Lots of changes coming. But my family has kept me alive. They are my reason for living. And @hilariabaldwin, too,” he continued, seemingly referring to the news he could face criminal charges in the shooting.
Alec’s post featured several snaps of his growing brood of kids, including Carmen, 9, Rafael, 7, Leonardo, 5, Romeo, 4, Eduardo, 2, and Lucia, 1.
“These kids. All of them born in 212. Same hospital. First four in the same room. Last three in the same, but different room,” he added.
As per Variety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation recently concluded the investigation into the “Rust” shooting and declared that the firearm that killed Hutchins could not have fired “without a pull of the trigger while the working internal components were intact and functional.”
The FBI’s conclusion didn’t align with Baldwin’s previous statements regarding the tragedy. The actor has maintained that he believes that he did not pull the trigger on the gun prior to it firing.