Reliance, led by Mukesh Ambani and his daughter Isha Ambani Piramal, has introduced the renowned British restaurant chain, Pret A Manger, to India, aiming to compete with Starbucks India, led by Ratan Tata.
Through a multi-crore deal, Reliance has secured an exclusive partnership with Pret A Manger, the well-known UK-based coffee and sandwich chain.
The first Pret A Manger store in India was recently inaugurated as a result of this collaboration.
The collaboration between Pret A Manger and Reliance was facilitated by Reliance Retail, owned by Isha Ambani, and Reliance Brands.
As part of the agreement, plans are underway to establish 12 Pret A Manger restaurants in India, including Delhi and Bengaluru.
The decision to introduce Pret A Manger in India stems from the popularity of tea and coffee shops among the country’s youth.
Reliance Retail, helmed by Mukesh and Isha Ambani, seeks to make a noteworthy impact on the Indian food and beverage industry by introducing this esteemed foreign brand.
The first Pret A Manger store opened at Mumbai’s Bandra-Kurla Complex.
Darshan Mehta, the managing director of Reliance Brands, underscores the importance of using fresh ingredients, maintaining recipe authenticity, and adopting transparent food production practices to pique the curiosity of Indian consumers.
With approximately 550 stores spread globally, Pret A Manger is renowned for its wide selection of organic coffee, cookies, salads, and sandwiches.