Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi remembered the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar on her birth anniversary. He took to X and wrote a special message while recalling the contribution to Indian music of the late singer PM Modi wrote, “Remembering Lata Didi on her birth anniversary. Her contribution to Indian music spans decades, creating an everlasting impact. Her soulful renditions evoked deep emotions and will forever hold a special place in our culture.”
Remembering Lata Didi on her birth anniversary. Her contribution to Indian music spans decades, creating an everlasting impact. Her soulful renditions evoked deep emotions and will forever hold a special place in our culture.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 28, 2023
Born on September 28, 1929, the contribution of the ‘Nightingale of India’ to music is unforgettable. Her voice echoed in every corner of the country and continues to create the same magic, even after she is no more. Who can forget the voice behind the iconic track ‘Aayega Aanewaala’ from the movie Mahal or Lag Ja Gale from the movie Woh Kaun Thi? or ‘Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya’ from Mughal-E-Azam.
The legendary singer ruled the music industry for decades.
Throughout her career, she won numerous awards and honours. She received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award. She was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 2001. In 2007, France made her an Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honour, the country’s highest civilian award.
She was the recipient of three National Film Awards, 15 Bengal Film Journalists’ Association Awards, four Filmfare Best Female Playback Awards, before declining further ones, two Filmfare Special Awards, and the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award amongst others.
In 1974, she became the first Indian playback singer to perform at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England.
Though Lata Mangeshkar passed away on February 6 after suffering a multi-organ failure, she will always stay alive in our hearts with her soulful songs such as ‘Ajeeb Dastan Hai Ye’, ‘Ae Mere Watan Ke Logo’, ‘Lukka Chuppi’ and ‘Tere Liye’, among others.