Animated coming-of-age fantasy comedy film Turning Red, produced by Lindsey Collins and directed by Domee Shi, premiered today, March 11, on Disney+ Hotstar. The film stars the voices of several popular actors, including Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, the breakout star of Netflix’s Never Have I Ever.
The actress who has voiced the character of Priya in the animated film revealed how much her character resembled her in real life while walking in Priya’s shoes and portraying her signature stoic personality.
“It is really nice to see how films and TV are moving in a direction that has authenticity diversity in a natural way. It does not just show and tell. Younger audiences watching Turning Red are going to accept this reality as their new normal and have a well-deserved expectation for representation. Priya is too cool for school, mysterious, middle school dweeb that personally I can totally relate to and I’m sure many others can as well! She helps Mei on this journey that she goes through by being a supportive friend who loves unconditionally,” said Ramakrishnan.
She went on to speak about how the younger generation would relate to the film and her character. “Younger audiences watching Turning Red are going to accept this reality as their new normal and have a well-deserved expectation for representation. Priya is too cool for school, mysterious, middle school dweeb that personally I can totally relate to and I’m sure many others can as well! She helps Mei on this journey that she goes through by being a supportive friend who loves unconditionally,” she added
Along with Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, the film’s characters have been voiced by Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Orion Lee, Ava Morse, Hyein Park, Wai Ching Ho, James Hong, and others.
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