A few days ago, on actor Nithiin’s birthday, the makers of the Telugu film Maestro had announced the title of the film, and had released the first glimpse of the movie. Now, today, on the occasion of Ram Navami, the makers have unveiled a new poster of the film featuring Nithiin and Nabha Natesh.
Sreshth Movies, the producers of the film, took to Twitter to unveil the poster. They tweeted, “Love is Blind and Love doesn’t Discriminate! #MAESTRO��� is on the way with his girl to wish you a Happy #SriRamaNavami ������ @actor_nithiin @NabhaNatesh @tamannaahspeaks @MerlapakaG @SreshthMovies #SudhakarReddy #NikithaReddy #RajKumarAkella @mahathi_sagar @Jisshusengupta.”
Maestro is a remake of Hindi film Andhadhun. While Nithiin will be stepping into the shoes of Ayushmann Khurrana, Nabha will be seen portraying the character that Radhika Apte played in Hindi movie.
Meanwhile, Tamannaah Bhatia will be seen playing the role that Tabu portrayed in the original movie.
Directed by Merlapaka Gandhi, Maestro is slated to hit the big screens on 11th June 2021. While Maestro is the Telugu remake of Andhadhun, the film is also being remade in Tamil and it is titled Andhagan. The Tamil remake stars Prashanth, Priya Anand and Simran in the lead roles.