Actor Madhuri Dixit has rubbished reports that she is discussing a potential biopic about her life and experiences in Bollywood, saying there is no such project happening. There were reports that the actor, who has more than 30 years of career, was in talks for a biopic. When asked about it, Madhuri told PTI, “No there’s no biopic! It is the biggest rumour I’ve ever had. I don’t know from where it came because I don’t want a biopic to be made. There’s so much more I want to do with my life. So just ignore the rumours.”
Madhuri, who was last seen on “Kalank”, also had a series planned on her life along with Priyanka Chopra. The two Indian actresses were said to executive produce the comedy series, based on the real life of Madhuri. When asked the status of that, the 52-year-old actor said, “Well TV is something that takes (time). I don’t know whether it’ll happen also. So lets see, what the future is.”Madhuri will be next seen on the dance reality show “Dance Deewane”, to be aired on Colors from June 15.