Kangana Ranaut, actress-turned-politician and BJP MP from the Mandi Parliamentary segment, recently took to Instagram to share her admiration for the women of Himachal Pradesh. Sharing a picture with fellow Himachali actresses Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, and Pratibha Ranta, Kangana celebrated their beauty and resilience.
“#peopleofhimachal When I go to Himachal and see our women equally or better looking than us work tirelessly in the fields no insta no reels raising cattle and making the ends meet. I feel they can definitely do with some hype. #himachaligenes #himachaliwomen,” she wrote on her Instagram story.
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Kangana credited self-help groups and women voters for her political victory, which saw her defeat Congress leader Vikramaditya Singh. Staying true to her promises, she has been actively promoting the welfare of local artisans and women entrepreneurs in the state.
Recently, Kangana inaugurated a Craft Handloom village in Sharan, Kullu district, where she inspected traditional crafts and handloom products created by local women. She also distributed certificates and tools to women entrepreneurs and praised their skills and dedication.
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“The village scheme would prove to be a boon for craftsmen engaged in weaving and producing traditional products like shawls and pattoo, as there is a huge demand for these products across the country, and the products are exported to 30 countries,” she said while speaking to reporters in Naggar.
Kangana also highlighted the efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the central government in supporting local artisans. “It is a big step taken by the central government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the local artisans of Himachal Pradesh. He understands that Himachal is more than its mountains, rivers, and scenic beauty…We want our locally designed and made woollens to be cherished by the people of India,” she added.
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She specifically mentioned the traditional shoes of Manali, known as ‘pule,’ as unique examples of craftsmanship. Kangana praised their comfort, environmental friendliness, and potential for wider recognition across India.
Through her active engagement in promoting local culture and products, Kangana continues to inspire pride and empowerment among the people of Himachal Pradesh.