Actor Kajal Aggarwal has signed on to star in the upcoming slice-of-life film Uma, which has renowned filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh on board as creative producer. Debutante Tathagata Singha is set to helm the film, with Avishek Ghosh of AVMA Media and Mantraraj Paliwal of Miraj Group attached as producers.
The official synopsis of the film reads: “Set in an aristocratic household with a wedding backdrop where the entire family assembles, the drama unfolds through the multi-faceted characters with the arrival of a stranger Uma.”
Aggarwal, who has previously headlined such successful Hindi films as Singham (2011) and Special 26 (2013), says she is thrilled about starring in the forthcoming venture. “I am always keen to give a green signal to scripts that are fun, entertaining yet challenging for me as an actor. I am excited to share Uma with all of you,” she says.
The actress goes on to add, “I am very happy to be collaborating with AVMA Media, Avishek and director Tathagata, on an extremely interesting film.”
While Aggarwal has been roped in to play the title role in the film, the casting for other important characters is still underway. The makers are expected to announce other cast members soon.
Filming is set to begin in the second half of 2021. The team has planned a start-to-finish schedule. They are presently waiting for the coronavirus situation to get a little better before going on the floors.
Kajal Aggarwal, whose filmography includes several successful films in Tamil, Telugu and, was last seen in Disney+ Hotstar’s Live Telecast. Before Uma, she will be seen in Shankar’s much-awaited Tamil film Indian 2, co-starring Kamal Haasan, Siddharth and Rakul Preet Singh. Her other films in the pipeline include Hey Sinamika, Acharya, Ghosty, and Paris Paris.
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Tags: Kajal Aggarwal, Sujoy Ghosh, Tathagata Singha, Uma