After the humongous success of his fantasy action film Bimbisara (2022), actor Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is set to entertain the audience with another drama Amigos which stars him in a triple role. Recently, the makers organised a pre-release event where Jr NTR was present as the chief guest. On this occasion, the RRR (2022) actor praised the makers in abundance.
During his speech, Jr NTR made a request to all Telugu cinema fans to stop demanding updates on upcoming films. He said that such constant demands put pressure on filmmakers to come up with announcements that might not be exciting.
For those not in the know, the actor is set to reteam with filmmaker Koratala Siva for his next yet-untitled Telugu project, currently dubbed NTR 30. Fans have been demanding more updates on the film on social media.
“I am asking this as a small request. Honestly, there won’t be anything to tell while we are making a film. It is very hard to give updates every day and every hour. We understand your enthusiasm. But sometimes it is putting a lot of pressure on producers and directors. They cannot reveal things for your excitement. Even if they come up with something, if you don’t like it, you end up trolling them. It’s not just me, others are also experiencing this pressure,” said the actor.
The actor further added, “If there is some update, we will reveal it to you first even before telling our wives because you are most important to us. I am also speaking for other actors as well. We will give updates to you only if they are solid. Don’t put any pressure on producers by reading some news from somewhere.”
NTR signed off by spilling some beans on his next film. “It’s my wish and a small request. Please don’t pressurise the producers for frequent updates. On this occasion, I would like to tell you that NTR30 will be launched in February and the regular shoot will commence in March. We will release the film on April 5, 2024,” he concluded.
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