Home Minister Amit Shah launched the ‘Fast Track Immigration-Trusted Traveller Program’ (FTI-TTP) on January 16 at multiple airports, including those in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, and Ahmedabad. The initiative, which aims to reduce wait times for international travelers, builds upon the initial launch at Indira Gandhi International Airport in June 2024.
The new service allows registered travelers to skip lengthy immigration queues and offers world-class facilities, making international travel more convenient. The program will be extended to 21 major airports in the first phase.
For Indian citizens and OCI cardholders, the FTI-TTP is being provided free of charge. Registration for the program is done via an online portal where travelers fill in their personal details and upload necessary documents. The biometric data of applicants is captured either at the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) or during airport check-in.
Travelers who complete registration will use e-gates for entry and exit. They will scan their boarding pass and passport, after which biometric verification will take place. If authenticated, the e-gate will open automatically, granting access to immigration clearance.