Ficci Flo Ahmedabad organized an event on 3rd August on CHANAKYA AND WOMEN LEADERSHIP with the best-selling author Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai. He has done Ph.D. in philosophy from Mumbai University. He is a well-known leadership speaker, trainer and personal mentor. He wrote books on the Chanakya niti- ‘Chanakya in you’, ‘Corporate Chankya’. In this motivational talk he spoke about women leadership and relevance of Chanakya niti in the field of leadership and management in recent times.
Ficci Flo chairperson Ms. Babita Jain had welcome and facilitated Mr Pillai and also announced the coming events of the Ficci Flo. Mr. Pillai said “that According to Chanakya niti leadership is to make decision about every single thing related to the business. In ancient times king used to take advise about strategic decisions from queen. The same way man should take advice for his business from women.
Chanakya made the economic model based on women empowerment like women independence, women work place safety. Leadership is all about data analysis, decision making, strategic thinking and interpretation. Women and men are having their own different strength but Women are the ultimate decision making according to the Indian culture. Women should actively participate in the courtroom alias home and the boardroom alias business”, he added.