There were reports that Rakul Preet Singh will be seen in a movie titled Chhatriwali, and on Saturday (13), the movie was officially announced. Singh took to Twitter to make an announcement about it and shared the first look poster.
She tweeted, “Apni chhatri taiyaar rakhiye! ☔ Presenting the first look of #Chhatriwali @vyas_sumeet @satishkaushik2 @rajeshtailang @PracheePaandya #RivaArora @dollyahluwalia @tejasdeoskar @ronniescrewvala @RSVPMovies.”
Reportedly, Singh will be seen playing the role of a condom tester in the movie. The film is directed by Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar and produced by Ronnie Screwvala under his banner RSVP movies.
A couple of months ago, there were reports that the film has been shelved, however the reports have turned out to be false. Well, Chhatriwali surely looks like an interesting film, and it will be for the first time when we will get to watch Singh in a Hindi woman-centric movie.
Talking about other films of Singh, the actress has many interesting projects lined up like October 31st Ladies Night, Ayalaan, Attack, Mayday, Thank God, Doctor G, Mission Cinderella, and Indian 2.
Singh is a big name down South and rose to fame in Bollywood after she featured in the 2019 release De De Pyaar De.