Amitabh Bachchan, Emraan Hashmi, Krystle D’Souza, Annu Kapoor, Dhritiman Chatterjee, Raghubir Yadav and Siddhanth Kapoor will be seen in a movie titled Chehre. There were reports that the film might get a direct-to-digital release on Disney+ Hotstar, however, now the movie will release in theatres on 30th April 2021.
Emraan Hashmi took to Twitter to share a poster of the film and announce the release date. He tweeted, “#Chehre se bada koi naqaab nahi hota! Uncover the real #Chehre, the much-awaited mystery-thriller, in theatres on 30th April 2021. #FaceTheGame @SrBachchan @anandpandit63 #RumyJafry @annukapoor_ @krystledsouza @SiddhanthKapoor #RaghubirYadav #DhritimanChatterjee #SaraswatiFilms.”
Well, the movie also stars Rhea Chakraborty, but she is not there on the poster and neither has she been mentioned in the Twitter tags. There were reports that she has a small role in the film, but director of Chehre, Rumy Jafry, has always been supportive towards her.
Earlier this year, while talking to Mid-day about Rhea, he had stated, “I am confident she will get through this phase. Everybody around will advise you to be brave, but only the one going through knows how difficult it is. Time is the best healer; with time, she will be fine. She is a talented artiste and will be ready to bounce back.”
Talking about Chehre, the movie will mark the Bollywood debut of television actress Krystle D’Souza. Earlier, Kriti Kharbanda was supposed to play the female lead in the movie, but later she opted out of the film, and Krystle was roped in.