In a heartwarming video message from the International Space Station (ISS), Indian-origin astronaut Sunita Williams conveyed her Diwali greetings to everyone celebrating the festival...
Vidya Balan, known for her powerhouse performances and resilience, has opened up about the early struggles of her acting journey. While promoting her upcoming...
Former President Donald Trump’s recent appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience captured an enormous audience, surpassing even the viewership of the World Series opener....
Alia Bhatt recently took to Instagram to address rumors swirling around her appearance, shutting down claims about alleged cosmetic procedures and an apparent "crooked...
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have long been an inspiring example of a supportive couple in both their professional and personal lives. Their bond,...
A specialist London bookstore is selling an original typescript of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's children's classic The Little Prince, complete with the author's hand-written corrections...