Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is out of danger and recovering after undergoing surgery following a stabbing incident at his Mumbai residence. The attack...
In a devastating attack, eight personnel from the District Reserve Guard (DRG) and a civilian driver were killed when Maoists detonated an improvised explosive...
The Bharuch district police have initiated an investigation into a toxic gas leak at the CMS plant of Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL) in Dahej...
Indian police reported killing three Sikh separatist militants in a shootout in Pilibhit district, Uttar Pradesh. The men were identified as members of the...
Bangladesh’s interim government has formally requested India to extradite Sheikh Hasina, the deposed prime minister who has been living in exile in India since...
A confrontation between INDIA bloc and NDA MPs over remarks about B.R. Ambedkar turned physical on Thursday, leaving BJP MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi injured....