A STUNNING career filled with accolades, critically acclaimed performances and blockbusters has established Hrithik Roshan as one of the biggest movie stars of this...
THE vigilante action drama, Shahenshah, generated a tidal wave of excitement when it was released on February 12, 1988.
Amitabh Bachchan’s return to the big...
THEATRE director Atri Banerjee said he “embraced” the challenge of helming back-to-back plays: Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie and Phoebe EclairPowell’s Shed: Exploded View.
Banerjee is currently working on Shed:...
HAVING more than four decades of incredible cinema achievements hasn’t lessened Anil Kapoor’s desire to take on more challenges.
Instead of basking in the glory...
DESPITE being centuries old, qawwali music remains massively popular with live audiences around the world.
One of its top British exponents, Chand Ali Khan Qawwal...
KIN is an unusual piece of theatre about the plight of refugees over the generations, created by an Ipswich-based troupe called Gecko.
The story is told...