Bigg Boss 16, one of India’s most popular celebrity reality shows, came to an end on Sunday 12 with rapper MC Stan emerging as the winner of the latest season. The latest season of the controversial reality show saw the participation of several popular faces with some of them succeeding in entertaining the audience right from the word go.
One of the most loved participants on Bigg Boss 16 was the Tajikistan singer and musician Abdu Rozik who became the youngest person to participate in the show in its entire history. Now, the news is coming in that after winning people’s hearts in India, Rozik is set to woo audiences in the UK. Yes, you read that absolutely right.
Abdu Rozik, who currently has a massive fan following of 6.9 million on Instagram, has bagged another reality show and it is none other than Big Brother UK.
During the grand finale of Bigg Boss 16 on Sunday, Bollywood superstar and host Salman Khan congratulated the singer and he also confirmed that Rozik is set to enter Big Brother UK. As per reports, Big Brother UK is returning to television screens after a long gap of 5 years with a reboot run and Rozik is expected to leave for the reality show in July or July. More details are expected to arrive soon.
Meanwhile, talking about his great stint in Bigg Boss 16, Rozik told an Indian publication, “I am really very happy. Thanks to Bigg Boss. Thanks to all my fans for supporting and voting for me. I am very happy. I am also happy that I have come out because I have a lot of work. And for this, I have come out.”
On the work front, Abdul Rozik will soon be seen in Salman Khan’s much-anticipated film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. Helmed by Farhad Samji, the film is slated to enter cinemas on April 21, 2023.
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