In a recent interview, S Jaishankar, the minister of external affairs of India explained the profound significance of the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
For him, this architectural marvel transcends being a mere symbol of India’s ancient civilization; it embodies thousands of years of culture, wisdom, creativity, and faith that have resonated far beyond its borders.
Jaishankar said that the temple stands not only as a testament to India’s illustrious past but also as a symbol of the ongoing global rebalancing of power dynamics, reflecting the increasing mutual respect and fairness among nations.
What adds a profound touch to Jaishankar’s admiration for the Mandir is the sentiment associated with it.
The partnership between Abu Dhabi and India, underscored by the respect and understanding displayed in this joint endeavour, exemplifies the extraordinary impact of cultural diplomacy.
Additionally, the minister explained that this Mandir holds a deeply personal significance to him, representing a remarkable milestone that he envisions sharing with his grandchildren, as one of the most poignant moments of his life.
This interview with Jaishankar provides a fascinating glimpse into the Mandir’s role in global diplomacy and its enduring significance as a custodian of cultural heritage.
It serves as a powerful reminder that our shared spaces can serve as tangible reflections of our shared values, fostering mutual respect and understanding among nations.