Arjun Rampal, who was most recently seen in thriller Nail Polish (2020) on ZEE5, has been roped in to star in the upcoming film The Rapist. The project will reunite the actor with award-winning actress Konkona Sen Sharma after a huge gap of eight years. The duo previously worked together on an independent anthology film, titled Meridian Lines (2013) which told the story of seven troubled strangers.
The Rapist is a high-voltage social drama, set to be directed by Sharma’s mother and well-known Bengali filmmaker Aparna Sen. Sameer Nai will bankroll the project under his production house Applause Entertainment.
Spilling some more beans, a source close to the development tells a publication, “The Rapist is a hard-hitting drama that examines how much of society is responsible for producing rapists. It’s about the victim’s trauma, the circumstances, and how a woman deals with it. The pre-production has already started and will get off the ground officially in March.”
Aparna Sen, whose filmography includes several successful titles, is known for presenting socio-political realities through most of her work. Just like her previous credits 36 Chowringhee Lane (1981), Paroma (1984), Yugant (1995), and Mr. & Mrs. Iyer (2002), The Rapist is also expected to be as political and outspoken as possible. With her next directorial, Sen returns to Hindi cinema to direct her third film after Saari Raat (2015) and Sonata (2017).
Meanwhile, Arjun Rampal is presently busy shooting for his next film Dhaakad. Also starring Kangana Ranaut in the lead role, the upcoming action thriller is jointly produced by Sohel Maklai Productions and Asylum Films. It marks the directorial debut of well-known ad-filmmaker Razneesh Ghai. Dhaakad is slated to arrive in theatres worldwide on October 1, 2021. The actor also plays crucial parts in period war drama The Battle of Bheema Koregaon and Nastik.
Tags: Arjun Rampal, Konkona Sen Sharma, Aparna Sen, The Rapist