Actor Aparshakti Khurana and his wife, Aakriti Ahuja Khurana, on Friday announced that they have become parents to a baby girl. The Dangal (2016) actor took to Instagram and shared the news, saying that they have named their daughter Arzoie.
“Aakriti and Aparshakti welcome with love Arzoie A. Khurana,” he captioned the post with heart emoji. The same post was shared by Ahuja on her Instagram stories.
Khurana’s elder brother, Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana, also posted the news on his Instagram stories. “A new member in the family. Best feeling,” he wrote alongside the message.
Khurana, who married Ahuja, a businesswoman, in 2014, had announced her pregnancy in June this year.
On the work front, Aparshakti Khurana is presently waiting for the release of his social-comedy film Helmet. The cast of the film also includes Pranutan Bahl, Abhishek Banerjee, Ashish Verma, and Sharib Hashmi. Dino Morea has produced the film in association with Sony Pictures Networks.
The actor-turned-producer had previously said in a statement, “We are very thrilled to make the audience laugh after the tough year we’ve all had. The team of the film is pulling all the stops to offer a comedy that comes from the heart of India. We have a surprise for the audience, and we can’t wait to bring it to them.”
Helmet is set to release digitally on September 3 on ZEE5.
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Tags: Aparshakti Khurana, Aakriti Ahuja Khurana