Actor Anshuman Jha, who was last seen in Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele (2021), is undergoing intense training sessions as part of his preparation for his next film Lakadbaggha. The actor will be seen performing some elaborate stunts in the hand-to-hand combat action film and to do complete justice to his character and look thoroughly convincing in his part, he has trained with Tsahi Shemesh who has also trained the lead cast of Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
“Tsahi is an incredible trainer and a self-defence expert who brings forth the best in you. He pushes you, insults you (lovingly) and is one of the best people I have met in my life” says Jha.
Set in the Chinatown area of Kolkata, Lakadbaggha requires intense training and preparation and Jha began working with Vicky Arora in July, following which in August he trained with Tsahi in New York to understand the craft of Krav Maga.
Director Victor Mukherjee, “The action sequences are tricky and we needed a physically fit actor who can ace action. Anshuman just did not want to learn screen action but is aiming to be at his physical best in reality. His self-belief, dedication, and right guidance will hopefully yield the desired results.”
Written by Alok Sharma, Lakadbaggha will go on floors in December 2021. The film revolves around illegal animal trading.
Jha who is currently working with Prashant Sawant on his body transformation says, “Working with all these gurus is an exhilarating experience and learning about my own body and its limits is new for me. Tsahi is a great teacher who motivates you and helps you be your finest version. We are getting there, and I am taking baby steps with the best in the business towards being the best I can be for the film in the time that I have. I hope that our hard work pays off and the audience is entertained with the kind of action choreography we are planning to bring on-screen.”
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Tags: Anshuman Jha, Victor Mukherjee, Tsahi Shemesh, Lakadbaggha