Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been given ‘X’ category security by the Mumbai police. Recently, there were reports that one of the police officials posted as the bodyguard of Big B since 2015 was allegedly earning a whopping amount of Rs. 1.5 crore (Rs. 15000000 / £ 148392) annually.
Now, according to a report in PTI, an official said that a head constable named Jitendra Shinde who was posted as Bachchan’s bodyguard, was transferred amid reports of him allegedly earning the whopping amount.
The official said he was transferred 15 days ago and it was officially published in a police notice at that time. He further added that as per the guidelines, a police constable cannot continue to work on the same post beyond five years.
According to sources in the police department, Shinde is one of the trusted bodyguards and could be spotted with Bachchan as part of his security cover. His wife runs an agency, which provides security guards, to many famous personalities.
The sources further added that the state government was also verifying whether Shinde had provided the details of his assets to the police department.
Meanwhile, talking about Amitabh Bachchan, the megastar’s new film Chehre has released in theatres on Friday (27). Apart from Chehre, we will get to see the veteran actor in movies like Brahmastra, Jhund, Mayday, Goodbye, Nag Ashwin’s next, and The Intern remake.