Amitabh Bachchan recently shared insights into his decision to host Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) during the show’s silver jubilee celebration. Marking 25 years of the iconic quiz game show, the Bollywood megastar revealed his initial doubts, his family’s reaction, and the journey that turned KBC into a household favorite.
The milestone episode featured heartfelt wishes from celebrities such as Kajol, AR Rahman, and Abhishek Bachchan. Big B took the opportunity to recount how the idea of hosting KBC was introduced to him and the uncertainty he felt. “When the concept was first presented to me, I was completely confused.
To understand it better, the team arranged a visit to the LC Studio in London, where the game was being played. The energy and enthusiasm I saw there convinced me to give it a shot, provided they could replicate the same atmosphere in India,” he said.
Amitabh admitted to being unprepared for his first day as the host, recalling how nervous he was. “The makers didn’t notice my heartbeat, and the camera didn’t capture my legs shaking. I had no idea what to expect, so I decided to speak whatever came to mind,” he shared.
Big B also opened up about his family’s reaction when he announced his decision to transition from the big screen to television. He revealed, “When I told my family members that I was going to host KBC, I won’t name anyone, but some of them said, ‘You are making a big mistake. People see you on the big screen, and now they’ll see you on the small screen?’ I didn’t listen to them and went ahead. And here I am, sitting in this chair for the past 25 years.”
The episode celebrated KBC’s cultural impact and the legacy it has built under Bachchan’s hosting. Despite initial skepticism, the show has become a phenomenon, solidifying Amitabh Bachchan’s place in the hearts of millions of viewers.
In addition to hosting KBC, Amitabh Bachchan was recently seen in Kalki 2898 AD, a sci-fi drama directed by Nag Ashwin, alongside Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, and Kamal Haasan. The film, which featured Big B as Ashwatthama, was a global hit, grossing over $115 million worldwide.