In 2018, Ajay Devgn and renowned filmmaker Neeraj Pandey announced their maiden collaboration Chankaya with much fanfare. The epic period drama, featuring Devgn in the titular role, was slated to go before cameras in 2020. However, the sudden outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic threw all plans out of the window and the makers had to put the project on hold.
But now, Pandey confirms that he has locked the final draft of the script and will kick-start preparations to get the project off the ground in the Summer. “It is likely to go on the floors towards the end of this year and we are getting into hardcore prep in the next couple of months. Hopefully, we will start shooting by end of year,” confirms the filmmaker.
Meanwhile, Pandey is also gearing up to begin production on the second season of his critically and commercially successful web-show Special OPS (2020). Now, if you wonder how will the filmmaker juggle the two high-profile projects, here is what he has to say, “Shivam (Nair) and I co-directed the first season and there will be another team on Special OPS 2. That does not matter. The things will work out.”
Chanakya is set to be mounted on a huge scale. Speaking of the treatment to the story of the film, the filmmaker says, “It cannot be explained, you will have to see and get the nature of what we are attempting over here. It is very difficult to put it in words as to this is how I am going to make Chanakya. There is a team that has been working on it for last two years. We have followed a process for a couple of years and the process is very shortly going to translate on the screen.”
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Tags: Ajay Devgn, Neeraj Pandey, Chanakya, Special OPS 2