President Donald Trump is crossing paths again with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump and Putin chatted today as they strolled to a brief photo op at the Intercontinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort in Danang, Vietnam. Chinese President Xi Jinping flanked Trump’s other side. Trump stood in the second row for the photo.
Trump and Putin shook hands this morning as leaders of the 21-nation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation opened their meetings. That followed a last night handshake and small talk at the summit’s welcome gala. The White House says the two will not hold a formal meeting in Vietnam. President Donald Trump is beginning a day full of meetings at an economic summit in Vietnam.
He arrived this morning at a leaders retreat at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting being held in the coastal city of Danang. Trump was expected to attend a series of larger meetings and private audiences with other world leaders. He was not expected to have a formal meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, though aides have said an informal encounter is possible. Trump has pulled the United States out of the Pacific Rim trade pact known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He says he wants one-on-one agreements with other nations. Today, the 11 remaining TPP nations announced they had reached a trade pact without the US.