The Wicket Gate is based on Gaurang Raval’s experience of past decade. He has always been in touch with youth. This book is based on Gaurang Raval’s own experiences as well as the questions, problems he has generally came across. He has very beautifully tried to explain about Emotions and Relationship where today’s most of the youth fails. The poster of the book is very significant. It contains 18 chapters and it only open ups individual’s perception for inner self. The book was released by Dr. Vinayak Jadav, St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad Management Association on 6th October 2017.
Gaurang Raval is a Political Science Graduate with deep interest in Community Conflict Transformation work. Gaurang Raval has worked in the field of Youth Development, Peace Promotion and Conflict Transformation for more than twelve years. Gaurang Raval has been mentoring hundreds of young people every year and taking them through self-transformation journey by using creative mediums. Our minds and hearts hold the key to a lot of our troubles. Instead of seeking answers outward, Gaurang Raval turns his focus to himself, and in the process, not only finds his own answers, but also secrets that help the people around him understand their world better. One cannot exist in vacuum, thus The Wicket Gate attempts to bridge that ever-widening gap that everyone experiences between themselves and their place in a metamorphic society. Through his musings, this collection of writing will allow every reader to address the everyday facets of life that lead to questions and problems, which when left unaddressed, end up making one question their own identity. The book doesn’t always offer solutions, but it offers solace, and it offers you the strength to believe in your questions- a comfort that most of us lack, and a comfort that Gaurang Raval has brought to the lives of many.