The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has selected Santosh, a police thriller directed by London-based filmmaker Sandhya Suri, as the UK’s official submission for the 2025 Oscars in the international feature category. The film, which had its world premiere at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, is set in Uttar Pradesh, India, and explores the life of a newly widowed housewife who inherits her late husband’s job as a police constable.
Santosh follows the protagonist as she becomes involved in a young girl’s murder investigation, and the film examines complex themes of class, caste, and intolerance. Actress Shahana Goswami plays the lead role, navigating the social dynamics of a small town.
Suri, who also wrote the screenplay, drew on her Indian heritage and experience in documentary filmmaking. She shot the film in and around Lucknow over 44 days, capturing the authenticity of the region by filming in live locations. “I wanted to shoot in UP because I’m originally from there, and I also wanted to film in a lot of live locations. That was very important for me to have that feeling of authenticity. I come from documentary, and that makes me feel that I’m making something real,” she shared.
BAFTA’s statement confirmed the film’s selection: “BAFTA is pleased to confirm that Sandhya Suri’s film Santosh is the UK selection for next year’s Oscars’ international feature film award.”
Santosh is also in contention for the Sutherland Award at the upcoming BFI London Film Festival, where it has been described as a “skillful thriller.”
Suri, born and raised in Darlington, UK, expressed her excitement about the film’s dual relevance in both the UK and India. She emphasized the importance of a successful release in both regions, stating, “It’s been a struggle from the beginning of this quite complex film to have it work for both places. So, having it screened successfully in the UK and also in India are the two most important things for me because I am a filmmaker from the UK with very strong links to India.”