The first trailer for Thunderbolts, the upcoming Marvel Phase 5 movie, is filled with intriguing Marvel Easter eggs. Initially shown behind closed doors at SDCC, the trailer was recently made public, teasing the team’s chaotic dynamics, including a tense relationship between Bucky and the rest of the squad.
Among the hidden references, viewers can spot Loki’s scepter at an event seemingly commemorating the Battle of New York, with posters confirming the connection. In another scene, the Thunderbolts gather with the Contessa inside what appears to be Avengers Tower, specifically in the same room where Tony Stark once confronted Loki in The Avengers.
Whether these Easter eggs hint at future plot twists or are simply nostalgic nods remains to be seen. Sebastian Stan, who reprises his role as Bucky, describes the film as resembling One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, where a chaotic group finds a way to unite.
As for the mysterious asterisk in the movie title, Marvel head Kevin Feige has teased that its meaning won’t be revealed until the film’s release.