Nita Ambani, the founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation, on Tuesday evening attended the opening show of ‘Mamma Mia’, a West End musical, which is currently being staged at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai.
Speaking at the opening of the musical, she said when the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre opened, “Our mission was to show the best of India to the world”.
With the staging of the West End Original blockbuster hit, the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre added another renowned worldwide theatrical to its repertoire on Tuesday night, according to an official release.
Speaking at the opening of the West End musical, Nita Ambani said, ” When we opened (Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center) in March, our mission was to show the best of India to the world and bring the best of the world to India…Our vision also was to celebrate art, the artist and the audience and I think we are coming closer to that goal. We have welcomed people for cultural and immersive experiences not only from Mumbai but from all over India. NMACC has seen almost 10,000 visitors every day. So, I just feel a lot of gratitude.”
Set on an idyllic Greek island, Mamma Mia tells the story of single mother Donna and her soon-to-be-bride daughter Sophie, whose quest to discover the father she’s never known brings Donna face to face with three men from her distant romantic past. The touching story is set to the immortal classics of the iconic Swedish band ABBA.
“True to our vision of bringing the best of the world to India, we are delighted to showcase our first West End presentation, MAMMA MIA! At the NMACC. Known for its foot-tapping music by ABBA, this iconic tale of love, music, and relationships holds universal appeal. I invite all of you to be a part of this joyous celebration and create lots of happy memories with your loved ones this festive season,” Nita Ambani was quoted as saying in the official release by the NMACC.
Over 65 million people were enthralled with the thrilling, feel-good musical featuring a wide range of human emotions in 50 performances in over 16 languages globally, the release stated, adding that the “joyous musical with a love theme will elicit strong emotions from all viewers and contribute to the festive spirit”.
The musical production is a treasure-trove of over 22 foot-tapping numbers like ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Super Trouper’, ‘Honey, Honey’, ‘Voulez-Vous’, ‘Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!’ and many more.