Actor Sanjay Dutt on Monday announced that he is set to make his foray into the Punjabi film industry with Gippy Grewal’s Sheran Di Kaum Punjabi.
The actor shared the news of his casting on Instagram.
“Proudly announcing my First Punjabi Film ‘Sheran Di Kaum Punjabi’ with Gippy Grewal @GippyGrewal #AmardeepGrewal #EastSunshineProductions,” Dutt tweeted.
Grewal, who is credited as the writer and director of the movie, welcomed the K.G.F: Chapter 2 actor on board.
“Love you Paaji @duttsanjay. Welcome to Punjab,” the Punjabi film star wrote on the microblogging site.
Shera Di Kaum Punjabi is produced by Amardeep Grewal under East Sunshine Productions.
Dutt’s upcoming releases also include Leo and Double iSmart.