The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court, on Monday, came down heavily on the censor board and the makers of the recently released Pan-India release Adipurush amid the ongoing row around the film’s dialogues.
During a hearing on a plea for certain contentious dialogues in Adipurush, the court asked, “What is it that the censor board keeps doing? What do you want to teach the future generations?”
The court also questioned the absence of the producer, director, and other parties during the hearing.
The petition was filed by advocate Kuldeep Tiwari.
The next hearing in the case was scheduled for Tuesday.
Directed by Om Raut, Adipurush, which is an adaptation of the epic Ramayana, has drawn heavy criticism post-release.
From critics to reviewers, many voiced misgivings over certain dialogues in the film.
The film stars Prabhas as Lord Ram, Kriti as Goddess Sita, Sunny Singh as Laxman, and Saif Ali Khan as Ravana, the mythical hydra-headed demon king in the epic.
In the face of online outrage and negative reviews, the makers of Adipurush revamped the dialogues.