It’s been 33 years since Sunny Deol’s Ghayal was released on the big screen. To mark this special occasion, the shared a clip from the movie on Instagram and captioned it, “A film that made me producer because nobody else wanted to make it. Celebrating #33YearsOfGhayal, a film that eventually won everyone’s heart.”
The video starts with one of the powerful dialogues from Ghayal, “Aur pehen lo Balwant Rai ka patta apne gale me….” and ended with various clips of Sunny. As soon as the video was uploaded, the actor’s fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section.
Bobby Deol dropped fire emojis.
Ghayal was produced by Dharmendra and helmed by Rajkumar Santoshi.
It is believed that Sunny approached many for the film but everyone advised to not make this film as it won’t work. But Dharmendra saw the potential in the film.
Ghayal highlighted the fight for justice fought by Ajay Mehra (Deol) on behalf of his family and himself.
The actor was also jointly given a National Award (Special Jury Award), with Pankaj Kapur and South Indian actress Jayabharathi.
Meenakshi Seshadri and Amrish Puri also featured in the film, which garnered a lot of appreciation for its action drama.
Meanwhile, Sunny is currently busy promoting his film Gadar 2 along with Ameesha Patel.