The Sudipto Sen directorial The Kerala Story has been performing exceptionally well at the domestic box office in India. The film, which hit cinemas on May 5, 2023, entered the much sought-after £10 million mark on Saturday, May 13. On Sunday, May 14, the film saw its first single-day highest growth as it pocketed an impressive £2.3 million, taking its domestic collection to over £13 million at the ticket window in just 10 days of its release. The Kerala Story has now emerged as the second highest-grossing Hindi film of 2023.
#TheKeralaStory crosses HALF-CENTURY in *Weekend 2* [Fri to Sun]… Records its *highest single day* number on [second] Sun… Inches closer to ₹ 150 cr, speeding towards ₹ 200 cr… [Week 2] Fri 12.35 cr, Sat 19.50 cr, Sun 23.75 cr. Total: ₹ 136.74 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 15, 2023
The film, which stars Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, and Siddhi Idani in lead roles, has been in constant controversy as it revolves around the story of women from Kerala who were allegedly converted to Islam and made to join ISIS. Despite facing bans in a couple of states across India, it continues to attract audiences in droves and register unprecedented growth at the ticket counters.
Talking about the film, The Kerala Story director Sudipto Sen recently said, “The country was in denial of the long-existing issue in the state of Kerala. The Kerala Story is a mission which is beyond the creative boundaries of cinema, a movement that should reach the masses all over the world and raise awareness.”
Producer Vipul Shah added, “The film’s subject was hidden from the masses and deserved to be told. We made the film in order to initiate deliberation worldwide.”
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