Actor R Madhavan, who has contributed beautifully to Indian cinema throughout his career, shared an update that made everyone proud. The exciting part is that the news was not about the actor but related to his son, swimming champion Vedaant Madhavan, who this weekend won 5 gold medals at the Malaysian Invitational age group championship 2023.
Vedaant is on his way to becoming a global sensation because of his iconic record list in the domain of swimming. Adding to the records, he won 5 gold medals (50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, and 1500m), this seals the fact that he is closer to domination on a global level.
R Madhavan who loves to share the moments of pride from Vedaant’s life took to his Instagram on Sunday to post an exceptional record by the kid.
The 3 Idiots actor thanked god’s grace for this moment.
He wrote, “With God’s grace and all your good wishes Vedaant gets 5 golds for India ( 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, and 1500m) with 2 PBs at the Malaysian invitational age group championships, 2023 held this weekend in Kuala Lumpur. Elated and very grateful”.
Vedaant earlier won three gold medals (boys 100m, 200m, and 1500m) and two silver (boys 400m and 800m) for Maharashtra at the Khelo India Youth Games 2022.