THERE have been poetry collections and memoirs published, but none have been quite like the powerful debut book from Hussain Manawer.
The acclaimed poet has combined heartfelt poems from across his life with deeply personal recollections of someone who shaped him as an individual, his late mother, and this has resulted in perhaps the most unique book you will read this year. The free-flowing book opens with a beautiful poem dedicated to his late mother and inspiring words, before it unveils five deeply emotional chapters consisting of powerful poems taken from different stages of the talented writer’s life.

Through the beautifully written words you get snapshots of his life from being a young man, to deep loss, depression and finding hope again.
The first chapter, That Boy Just Wants To Be Heard, starts off with a relatable youthful recollection, before being followed by poems like Dream, The Playground and Leaving High School. The following chapters have a similar structure of an introduction followed by poems.
Chapter two, My Problem Is I Care Too Much, ventures into the next phase of the author’s life when he starts to have an awakening with poems like the hard-hitting My Name Is Hussain, I’m Ashamed and Superheroes Needed: Apply Here.
Chapter three, The Night Of 31 August 2017, is the turning point that revolves around the death of his mother and its aftermath with emotional poems that will connect with anyone who has lost someone. Every poem in this chapter is a masterpiece, capturing pain, angst, confusion, and finally acceptance, with If She Was Here being a standout.
Chapter four, Destroying Depression, gives glimmers of light out of darkness and chapter five, The Beauty And The Peace, offers hope with poems like Hey Little Man.
Then the book finishes with an outro offering motivation to those who need it. The poetry collection, memoir and self-help book rolled into one is a beautifully structured masterpiece that will appeal to all ages. It is a deep book filled with emotions and will be a friendly companion you can keep referring back to for years to come.