After the roaring success of Sarileru Neekevvaru (2020), Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu has joined forces with hit filmmaker Trivikram Srinivas for an upcoming film. To be produced by S. Radha Krishna under the banner of Haarika and Hassine Creations, the yet-to-be-titled film marks the reunion of Babu and Srinivas after a massive gap of 11 years as the duo last worked together on the 2010 film Khaleja.
While fans eagerly await the release of the film, we have got our hands on an important update on the casting of the film. A publication reports that Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is in consideration to play a pivotal part in the film. Reportedly, the makers are keen to have the actress onboard for a role very crucial to the storyline. However, there is no official word confirming the same.
Announcing the film recently on Twitter, the makers had tweeted, “The combo that everyone is waiting for is finally here! After 11 long years, superstar Mahesh Babu garu and Trivikram garu will team up again for SSMB28, produced by S. Radha Krishna (Chinababu) garu under Haarika and Hassine Creations banner. In theatres Summer 2022.”
Meanwhile, Shilpa Shetty is waiting for the release of her next Hindi film titled Hungama 2. As the title aptly suggests, the film is a sequel to the 2003 comic-caper Hungama. In addition to Shetty, the Priyadarshan directorial also stars Meezaan Jaffrey, Pranitha Subhash, and veteran actor Paresh Rawal in important roles.
Mahesh Babu, on the other hand, will next be seen in Sarkaru Vaari Paata, directed by Parasuram. The shooting of the film is currently on hold due to the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Tags: Shilpa Shetty, Mahesh Babu, Trivikram Srinivas