Yesterday, there were reports that Ranbir Kapoor has been tested positive for Covid-19. His uncle Randhir Kapoor had given a statement to entertainment portal Pinkvilla, “I believe he is not well, but I am not sure what he has got. I am not in town.”
However, today, Neetu Kapoor took to Instagram to confirm that Ranbir Kapoor has been tested positive for Covid-19. The actress posted, “Thank you for your concern and your good wishes. Ranbir has tested positive for Covid-19. He is on medication and recovering well. He is in self quarantine at home and following all precautions.”
Neetu Kapoor had also tested positive a few months ago while she was shooting for the movie Jug Jugg Jeeyo.
Ranbir has been busy with the shooting of two movies, Brahmastra and Luv Ranjan’s next. A few days ago, Alia Bhatt had shared a couple of pictures from the sets of Brahmastra.
She had posted, “it’s a blessing to be on this journey.. & these magical boys just make everything ���������♥️♥️♥️ P.S – this is jussssttt the beginning.”
Apart from Luv Ranjan’s next and Brahmastra, Ranbir has Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal lined-up which also stars Anil Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra, and Bobby Deol. Luv Ranjan’s next is slated to release on Holi next year, and Animal will hit the big screens on Dussehra 2022.